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Ross Price
Born in United States
25 years
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Patti PAM to Turtle My heart and prayers for your family May 20, 2008

I know the pain of loss at a young age my mother was taken from me. I cant compare it to the loss of a child but I can say loss of any kind is hard. I send my heart and prayers across the miles to embrace you an help you threw it all. May God Bless you and your family. Love a friend from Ft. Benning group Patti in CA.

Lynn Price Another birthday in Heaven May 19, 2008

Well son, it will soon be your birthday....a day we look forward to and dread at the same time.  You would be 27 years young come May 29th. Where does the time go?

I wish you could see Hunter....oh how he's growing! What am I saying? You are right beside him every day.

Donnie got married! Yep, remember Didi? They 'tied the knot' last month. As I look at the picture of Ed, Donnie, Justin and Chris, there's an empty place...yours.  Once, during a lull in the rain, I walked down to the lake just to 'talk' to you. Somehow, I knew you were right there.

I can hear you.....'It's ok up here, you'll really like it when you get here.' Trouble is, our hearts can't fully comprehend those words.

Son, one day our family will all be together at the Throne. Until then, reach down ever so often and as soft as an Angel's wings, touch our souls.

We love, more than ever.

Cheri Brewster PAM August 19, 2007

ED and Lynn,

   My thoughts and prayers are with you. It seems as though Ross touched more lives, in his short time here, than most people could ever hope to. May God bless you both, and offer you the strength you need to carry Ross's name.

Carolyn Friend May 30, 2007

Ed and Lynn;


My thoughts and prayers are with you as you celebrate your son's Birthday.


I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a child - and by the grace of God - I hope I never have to go through what you have.


Knowing your son is in heaven must help some.  But I also know how much you must miss him! 


I am here if you ever need to talk. 


God bless you both,


Carolyn Lightfoot


Lynn Price Happy Birthday Sweet Ross! May 29, 2007
Happy, happy birthday, you're 26 this year!
Although we cannot see you, we feel your presence near.
How we'd love to hug you, if only 'one more time',
But, since you went to Heaven, we hug you in our minds.
There's not a day that passes, where you're not thought of,
A sweet and gentle spirit, filled with so much love.
Why you had to leave us, we've asked to understand,
Our only answers coming, when taking Jesus' Hand.
We know you're not alone, there's many Angels there,
For God gave us this promise, in listening to our prayers.
If we could have one wish and know it would come true,
We'd ask for 'one more day', to spend alone with you.
Son, I know you're happy, in such an awesome place,
I feel your gentle touch, each time the tears are erased.
Your Dad's heart is slowly mending, this, I'm sure you know,
Only through our Saviour, can he let his anger go.
We 'celebrate' your birthday, in a thousand different ways,
Tears and smiles together, remembering our yesterdays
We'll strain to hear your music, in the stillness of the night,
Happy, happy birthday, for our star that shines so bright.
Lynn Price (c) May 29, 2007
In Loving Memory of Ross Edward Price
May 29, 1981-September 2, 2006
Carmen Johnson With love...... May 29, 2007
I am not sure what to say here so will wing it.
I am so sorry for the loss of your dear child Ross.  I can not imagine the pain you and Ed go through.  I do think of both of you often and pray for both of you that some day the pain will not hurt quite as bad, if that can happen.  This is a walk a mile in my shoes day and I have not walked that mile, you two have.  All I can think of right now is that I wish so hard that I could take some of that pain for you.
Love and prayers to both of you on this day.
Carmen Johnson
Lynn Price Happy Birthday! May 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Son!

Today, as you celebrate your first birthday in Heaven, oh, how we wish we could see you!  "Just one more time" many times we've all said this.  Just one more hug, one more smile, one more song.  This couldn't be and we are slowly 'coming to terms' with God's Mighty Plan.  It's not easy.....oh no, how many times we've questioned Him. 

Words can't possibly explain the depths of agony a parent feels when their child is taken all too soon.  Only through our Lords' AWESOME Love can we even begin the 'moment by moments'. 

What we'd all give for 'just one glimpse' of Heaven today.  Will you be playing your guitar?  Have you written any more music?  Does your smile radiate even brighter?  Can you feel our love extending across the miles?  For, we can surely feel yours!

We'll all quietly 'celebrate' your 26th birthday in our own ways.  Smile down on us often and wrap each of your loved ones in Heaven's warmth. 

Until we join you, dance, sing, laugh, smile and enjoy this special day. 

Love eternal,

Mama Lynn

Becky Eckels Rememeber the Happy times ! May 29, 2007
I wanted to wish you all a day of comfort knowing Ross is spending his birthday in Heaven....I'm sure he is  watching over you each and everyone...May you have the strength to go on  and Remember all the wonderful times and all the Birthdays before.....I want you all to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers....Sending ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) as you go through this very hard time .................Becky
Donnie The World May 29, 2007

The family already knows so this is for the rest of the world.I feel sorry for you!My condolences to you!You will never see his smile.Never feel his touch.Not once will you ever in your life hear a voice as sweet as his.Nor will you hear a laugh so beautiful it stops all time.To know our brother was not only to try and understand  him,it was by no choice of your own but to love him.He was the cool breeze that blew on your neck hairs on a hot summers eve.The hand that rubbed your fur just the wrong way.He was the laugh that came to you in the split second before a nervous breakdown.He loved to make others smile.To poke fun at you and the rest of the world,including himself.He to me is exactly what we all are...sweet and innocent at first.Then confused.Then getting the idea of things.Then gone.Only thing with Ross is he had "more than an idea" of things.He was so far ahead of us all!!He was what we and the rest of the world needed at just the right time.Even more so what we needed when we thought it was the last.He had a perspective on the world I have never seen anywhere else in my life.Probably never will again.For this I am sorry...sorry for the rest of the world...again my condolences to need them...not us!!!We knew him!!!We are the blessed!!!We were loved by him and loved him,dearly...maybe when all of you get to heaven...maybe will be blessed as much as we have been...Thank you brother!!!For all that you brought to all of our lives...even if for just a short they say,better to have loved you than to never have known love at all!!!!!!!!!!!!I miss you man...your bro     donnie

Jason Walrath Happy Birthday Ross! May 28, 2007

    Everyone that knows me knows that I'm not good with words. But I'll try anyway. To everyone that has felt the loss of Ross, especially Ed and Lynn, Ross may not be here physically but he will always be here in spirit......Ed you should be proud of the father that you were to Ross. I know that you had your ups and downs with Ross but I know for a fact that you meant the world to him. It may have been hard for him to admit it sometimes but he looked up to you.......And to Lynn, Ross loved you like a mother. He accepted you with arms wide open.........Ross made an impact on everyone's life that he came in contact with and we all miss him.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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