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Ross Price
Born in United States
25 years
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Lynn Price

Good morning dear son,

Your Dad just left for Church....and it's only 7:20 AM!  Today, he'll make his 'debut' as a guitarist on the Worship Team.  Oh, is he so nervous!  I told him to just picture playing that old guitar at the throne of God, with Him as his only audience... that seemed to calm his nerves a bit.

Pop and Georgia are here!  They drove all the way from Greenville, NC to visit on this special holiday weekend and see Ed play.  We've had some good times while they were here.  Yesterday, they drove out to Indian Trail so Pop could see May, his only surviving sister.  (She suffers from Alzheimer's and rarely knows she's in this world.)  Pop came back, full of many good words about her 'talking', remembering their childhood and she always called him 'Obi'.....she remembered who he was!  Last night, we all sat out on the back patio, listened to the gentle tinkling of the wind chimes, the soft cascading effect of the fountain and watched the stars appear magically, one by one. 

We've all been working on this site, son.  Your Dad hasn't seen it yet.  So many wonderful people have visited, leaving their precious words of love.  I'll be giving it to Ed on Tuesday, your birthday. 

I'll have to go now and start getting ready.  We've got a wonderful surprise for Ed.  For the first time, Chris, Donnie, Justin and Crystal will be there at Church!  Ed and I have prayed for this many know all of our kids will be joining our family in Heaven....the Circle complete once again.  What joy to have them all there!  Donnie is bringing Didi, Justin is bringing Mandy and Kayla will have her Mama with her for the first time!  I'll take lots of pictures for this may be our last big get together before Justin leaves for Ft. Benning.  What a wonderful 'get together' it will be!

Son, although you won't be with us in person, completing our family circle, we will feel you in our thoughts, souls and hearts.  Smile down on your Dad as he plays for God.  Let him know you're watching.

Love forever,

Mama Lynn

Mama Lynn



I looked in the Heavens and swore I could see,

The eyes of my child, smiling at me.

A soft mourning dove sang from afar,

Echoing the sadness of a broken Mom’s heart.


Tears are reflections of a soul torn and tossed,

Shed for a son who paid that high cost.

How does a Mom carry her pain,

Where once he brought sunshine, only lives rain?


A gentle breeze stirred, my mind drifts away,

Turning back time, when we had our last day.

His smile ever radiant, his eyes shades of blue,

Would we do anything different ‘if only we knew?’


Memories of words we shared from the past,

If time could stand still, those moments would last.

Much like my soul, the sun is now fading,

Another day’s gone and a Mom’s love is still waiting.


I walk through the house, drawn to his door,

Unable to stop it, my feet cross the floor.

There in the corner are toys gathering dust,

Tin soldiers and dump trucks now covered with rust.


Posters were hung with a steady young hand,

Pictures of girls and guys in his band.

There, under his bed, I see something missed,

My God, it’s a letter, sealed with his kiss.


“Dear Mom”, it begins, as eyes tearfully read,

“I’ve not always been the son I could be.

Tested and tried, you never gave up,

When running on empty, you filled my life’s cup.


Joys and trials, yes, I’m sure you had plenty,

Tears for your son, I know you shed many.

If I get to Heaven before your time ends,

I’ll build a great mansion for the time we will spend.


Jesus does love me, you taught me this much,

And, Mom, if you’re reading this, feel your son’s touch.

We don’t always know when our time is done,

Feel my arms ‘round you, Love, your blessed son.”


Lord, did he know his time would draw near?

Did he walk with You gladly or linger with fear?

More questions than answers as the sun starts to rise,

God, help me to see beauty through my son’s eyes.


In Loving Memory of Ross Edward Price, Our Son

Lynn Price © May 17, 2007




Lynn Price


Son, I wish you could've been here.  But, were!  As Justin, Chris and Donnie gathered together out in the garage, playing their music with your Dad, we all felt you with us.  Remember when the light went out 'all of a sudden' and came back on several moments later?  Did you hear how well Justin is playing 'Tears in Heaven' and just want to let us know how much you liked it? 

Did you ride with Tiffany and Hunter, carefully holding that beautiful rose bush so it wouldn't tip over or were you waiting on them here?  Did you see how Hunter struggled up the driveway, carrying that 'Nana, I've got a present for you!' 5 gallon bucket?  You were there, weren't you as your Dad's eyes shed a few tears?  You caught each one....I just know it.

How about in Church?  Just before the service was to start, the power went out. Pastor Joey continued on, sharing his lovely sermon. And, right before the service was over, the power 'mysteriously' came back on....just in time for all of us Mothers to see that beautiful slide show.  I felt you there with us, son. 

You were certainly busy on Sunday and each of us were blessed a thousand times over in feeling your sweet presence.

These days are oh, so hard, son.  We miss you more and more, even in knowing you're at peace in the glorious lands of Heaven. 

Are you planning a big birthday party up there?  If we listen closely, will we be able to hear your music?  What will you wish for this year?

Son, I know you visit from time to time, just to let us all know you're ok, but we sure wish we could have 'just one more day' with you.

Smile on us often, continue to touch our hearts as only you can do and we'll join you when our missions are done.

Love eternal

Mama Lynn


If I were to write down every memory, every smile we shared, this page would go on and on....much like my love for you...ever eternal.

Today, Justin and Chris, along with your Dad will get together out in our garage.....practicing their music, celebrating the Lord's blessings in all of our lives.

As we listen, I will look for your beautiful smile, strumming along, often leading them in another song.

We're struggling each and every day, attempting to 'understand' all of the 'whys'.  We may never fully know God's plan in our lives, but as sure as the sun rises each day, we are following it.

Smile down on your family, lift our voices up in a celebration of your precious life and let us hear that sweet, sweet music....if only in our hearts.


Mama Lynn


Cathy Walrath
Ross, Remember when we went to Cherokee? We had such a good time. I felt sorry for you boys having to walk back from the creek where you rode the fast water as far as you could on your floats. Remember how you were jumping off the road when you found grass to cool your feet from the hot pavement? and just laughing! Remember the restaurant where we took all you kids to eat? We told you to get a plate for your salad but you prefered to go past the bar and just grab a little here and there. I think you were trying to flirt with the server and wanted her to say something to you. As you kids giggled and had a good time Steve and I just sat back and enjoyed seeing you all together. Joshua and Jacob were closer to your age and we were always telling you and Joshua to set a good example for Jacob, sometimes ya'll did and sometimes not. You stinkers! But you all loved eachother and cared. You became a fine man and we are proud of you. We will all be together again one day where there will be no more separations, or pain or tears. We love you sweet Ross. Steve, Cathy, Jason, Jeremiah, Joshua, Jessica, and Jacob
Total Memories: 12
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